Ruling portrays the imposing Supreme Court of the Netherlands in The Hague. The camera explores the space, choreographing justice procedures and reading the architectural program as if it were a case at the Court. It circulates through different chambers and domains, ending up in the main courtroom. Ruling investigates the semiotics of power and what it means to rule today. This procedure is translated into an aesthetic gesture that enhances the timeless architecture of the Supreme Court and its design coherency.
Dorian De Rijk NL/US
Dorian de Rijk holds an MA in film from de Nederlandse Filmacademie, a BFA in Fine Arts from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and studied photography with Christopher Williams at the Staatliche Kunstakademie Duesseldorf. Through her practice, Dorian researches the visible and invisible mechanisms of exclusion within our social systems. The cinematic film installation ‘Valerius’ on mental healthcare was awarded the AHK prize in 2016. Her essay film ‘Winging It’ was censored in Istanbul and toured as part of Post-Peace with the support of the wutt. Kunstverein Stuttgart. Currently, she is undertaking commissioned art works for Dutch Broadcasters VPRO, BNN/VARA, Pakhuis de Zwijger and Gemeente Amsterdam.

The architectural project
Supreme Court of the Netherlands 2016
The Supreme Court of the Netherlands is located in the historic city centre of The Hague along the Korte Voorhout and next to Malieveld Park. The design, with the subtle vibrancy and openness of its facades, broaches a dialogue with the street and its line of trees that act as the city’s main promenade. The main entrance is fronted by six bronze statues and has a single pane of glass to ease the transition from the street to the interior. Double height ceilings span the full length of the building and this space is also pulled into the public area of the entrance hall and adjacent courtrooms. The floors and walls are of a light grey limestone, marbled and velvety simultaneously. The upper floors accommodate offices, a library with study units, a restaurant, and council and meeting chambers. Daylight penetrates the building through several skylights, the primary one being the light well that forms the core of the distinct domains of the Council and Procurator General Office. The light, the sightlines throughout the space, and the open perspectives inspire social interaction, encourage the exchange of ideas and opinions, and allow for informal gatherings.